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About Us

Kinga Papp, Principal

Kinga has over 12 years international experience in the complementary health industry, including Europe, USA and Australia. 


Kinga runs and international clinical practice and is dedicated to teaching the art of kinesiology through the ICPKP Certificate program and other advanced workshops. All this for you so that you can fine-tune the special gift you have and share it with the world!

Rachel Gallon, Visiting Faculty
Rachel Gallon, Visiting Faculty

Rachel has over 12 years international experience in the complementary health industry, including UK and Australia. 


While originally from the UK, Rachel lives in Australia, Melbourne, where she runs a busy practice and teaches the ICPKP program in Kinesiology Connection, ICPKP college. Rachel periodically visits the UK, when students have the opportunity to enjoy their lessons with her.

North West London Kinesiology (NWLK) is affiliate of the accredited college of the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice (ICPKP) under the guidance and auditing of ICPKP UK, Cheshire Kinesiology College.


We are providing workshops and Certificate Courses up to the level of the ICPKP International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice™, which is a 12-18 month modular certificate course in ICPKP kinesiology skills including Anatomy & Physiology, Nutrition.


The Certificate in PKP™ is a recognised course in the UK and Ireland, leading to professional registration with the British Register of Complementary & Natural Practitioners.


Cert in PKP™ Certificate graduates from NWLK and KAI can continue their studies into the Diploma and the Advanced Diploma in Kinesiopractic® in the UK offered by Cheshire Kinesiology College.

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